Our customers


Our projects become sustainable customer relationships.
Here you can see an excerpt from our customer list.

1&1 Internet AG Karlsruhe

Over 220 cameras with digital processing and control through own application. Developed airlock software with interface and link to person scales

€ 1.9 million

Administrative Center EnBW City, Stuttgart

Sub-contractor for the area of low-voltage and security systems

€ 2.8 million + € 1.1 million

Alb Fils Klinikum Göppingen (clinics)

Planning and project management of a holistic security solution with Lynx DVMS Integrated Hazard Management

€ 8 million

AREVA Administration headquarters, Erlangen

Direct order for the low-voltage and security systems, implementation of a cross-site hazard management system for all Areva NP locations.

€ 1.6 million

Baden-Württembergische Bank, Stuttgart

Creation of the interfaces to hazard control technology (JCI and Landes and Stefa), with approx. 8,000 datapoints

€ 4.9 million

Braunschweig Data Center

Implementation of the entire security systems and building automation in a system-specific, high-availability umbrella solution.

€ 1.6 million

Breuningerland, Sindelfingen

Integration of a hazard management system, low-voltage sub-contractor

€ 0.8 million

Campus Dürr Administration Centre, Bietigheim-Bissingen

Low-voltage general contractor, execution of all security disciplines

€ 1.3 million

Children’s Center Munich (sociopaediatric clinic)

Planning and project management of a holistic security solution with integration of the LYNX Access access control system

€ 1 million

City railway tunnel Karlsruhe incl. South junction

City railway tunnel Karlsruhe incl. South junction

€ 15 million

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